Print Management Expert
Printing & Mailing

If you want to guarantee a positive return on your investment in print and direct mail you really have to find people who can give you great advice and then follow it.

Printing & Mailing has 30 years of very full experience in buying and selling print and direct mail. In all that time we have built up a very solid knowledge base of what works and what doesn’t. We have also learnt that no one person can ever have the real depth of knowledge you need across all marketing disciplines and industries. You need to work with a team of professional specialists so we do.

You need to ask for our cast iron guarantee that you will get a positive rate of return on your investment with us and our partners in creating and producing print and direct mail.

How do you measure your return on investment. For a start, our first piece of advice to you with any marketing for your business is ‘if you can’t measure it accurately please don’t do it’  It is not about ‘brand awareness’, it is about selling something to people who want to buy it.

So, our cast iron guarantee on your return on investment is that what we and our partners create and produce for you will make you more gross profit than all of its costs within 12 months of delivery or, we will continue to work for you absolutely free until it has. There is absolutely no risk to you in this at all. So far, we have never ever had to work for free.

Obviously, there are caveats and you have to do your bit. Like all good advice, it only works if you take it. Therefore, you have to agree to follow all of the advice given to you by us and our partners. Also, like all good advice it can only work if all the information we have been given by you is absolutely correct. However, if you don’t know all the information we need then we can help you find it and then give you sound advice based upon the correct information.

The advice given will include specialist knowledge from some of our partners that we directly introduce you to. For example we believe that the most important thing about print is the creative process. You will always be advised to talk to one of our professional copywriting partners. You will always be advised to talk to one of our professional graphic design partners too. If something is well written and has a clear and powerful message and then it is professionally designed to deliver that message you are guaranteed to get better results.

We will introduce you to good professional copywriters and good professional graphic designers because we want your printing and direct mail to work for you. We don’t make any money out of those introductions.

Why do we bother to do all this work to give you a guarantee on your return on investment. Firstly we enjoy success and we want you to enjoy success too. We have also found that when our clients make good profit from the work we do for them they can afford to pay us on time. They also come back time and time again to enjoy the same successful experience and together we will all build our businesses.

How can you really guarantee a positive return on investment in print and direct mail?